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How to be Authentic - Online Course

Defining authenticity can be complex and it is seen as a crucial element for personal development.
The authentic self is the ideal image one strives to embody in order to live optimally.
While individuals strive to be authentic, they are also shaped by their communities. Our identities are influenced by the collective, and in turn, we impact the collective with our unique contributions.
Sharing our best selves not only benefits us personally but also contributes positively to a larger community or cause that is greater than ourselves.​

Authenticity is...

·Staying loyal to one's beliefs and behaving accordingly;·     Recognizing the connection between personal and societal values. 

Authenticity and integrity are closely linked, where authenticity means staying true to oneself and integrity means following moral and ethical standards. Together, they are essential components.

Understanding that along with power comes accountability, and authenticity carries significant influence

Authenticity amidst diversity underscores the importance of being authentic and genuine while also accepting and respecting the various differences and diversity within the community. By doing so, authenticity can contribute positively to society.

Being authentic does not involve pretending to be someone else, copying others, or projecting a false image of perfection. It's not about conforming to societal standards just to blend in, seeking validation from others, or seeking approval. Being authentic does not mean prioritizing our own desires and lifestyles over others or society as a whole.

Powerful skills for deep connection.

What is in the “How to be Authentic” online course

What is in the “How to be Authentic” online course?

A transformative journey toward living in alignment with your values and coming closer to your essence, which is the state of feeling really true to what you want to be and what you want to express in your life.

· This program offers a safe and nurturing space to explore your values, rediscover your passions, and develop your authenticity with integrity.

· How to be Authentic program is here to support you every step of the way, providing you with the tools, insight opportunities, and community you need to embrace your authenticity and live at your best.

How is the online course  "How to be authentic" delivered?

· Prerecorded content for four weeks

· Workbooks for each chapter to convert the content into practical knowledge for your life.

· Community support and chat (once a week live. Also available asynchronously through our portal) 


The Authentic Life Course is for those who want to create and deepen powerful connections to themselves and to others

 "How to be authentic“ is for you when you…

...are feeling that you lost something that you had earlier in life. As adults, responsibilities and obligations can weigh heavily on us, making us long for the simpler days when we didn't have to worry about bills, deadlines, or other stressors. This feeling of loss can manifest in nostalgia for the past and a desire to recapture that sense of innocence and joy.


 "How to be authentic“ is for you when you are tired of...

  • putting on a facade for others

  • conforming to societal expectations

  • pretending to like things just to fit in

  • suppressing your emotions

  • seeking validation from others


 "How to be authentic“ is for you when you…

  • crave genuine connections and relationships

  • maybe you are missing sincerity and honesty in your interactions with people, and are seeking to build strong and genuine bonds with others.

  • are seeking inner peace and fulfillment.

  • Maybe you sometimes feel a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction. 


 "How to be authentic“ is for you when you…

  • feel a deep longing for something more in your life, but you're not sure what it is or how to attain it. This can lead to feelings of frustration, confusion, and a lack of contentment in your day-to-day activities.

  • find yourself searching for answers and seeking out different experiences or practices in an attempt to find a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

  • just want to live a life true to yourself and your values


This is how participants answered  the question "Why did you decide to sign up for the program"

  • "I was feeling like I am lacking purpose and meaning in my life." 

  • "I just lost a job and was in searching mode."

  • "I m going through a divorce and want to fell who I am."

  • "I am facing a serious illness or disability and want to stay mentally healthy."

  • "I was dealing with the death of a loved one."

  • "I am moving to a new city or country."

  • "I was about to start a new career and needed to be sure if that decision was in congruence with who I am."

  • "I want to contribute to community (work, family, neighbourhood…) in my best possible way."


If you agree with any of these points, then "How to be authentic" is perfect for you. Dedicate yourself to following the program step by step and receiving feedback from the coaches and community along the way. It is at this point that you will experience a feeling of freedom, clarity, and empowerment upon completion of the program. You will become more attuned to your true self, comfortable in expressing your authentic self, and connected to your values and desires. You will feel at peace with yourself and your decisions, and satisfied in your relationships and contributions to your community. You will rediscover a sense of authenticity and purpose in your life.


Take a Peek Inside "How to be Authentic" â–º

Are you prepared to accept who you truly are and lead a purposeful and satisfying life? Reach out to us now to discover more about our program on cultivating authenticity and start the journey to unleashing your untapped abilities. By signing up for our newsletter, you will receive the initial chapter of "How to be Authentic" at no cost and a 20% discount on the program.

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